Totally Tantalizing Tuesday – John Quinlan

Oh, it’s Tantalizing Tuesday and I have one of the romance world’s favorite cover models. Yep, today, the John Quinlan is here and he was kind enough to answer some questions for us, as well as, provide us with some drool-worthy photos! I will say John may look like a brooding alpha male, but he is genuinely a very sweet guy! Please give a very warm Tantalizing Tuesday welcome to John!

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How many times a week do you work out? How many hours a day? What does your workout consist of?

I train 5x per week and if I am getting ready for a show or photo shoot i will increase it to 6x per week. I never train longer than 1 1/2 hours at a time and my training consists of a cardio and weight lifting combination regimen like a boxer.

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Every year, people make New Year resolutions to start working out, but few seem to stick with it. My gym is packed the month of January and finding a cardio machine is next to impossible, but it dwindles by the first of February. What drives you to stay with fit?

I have been doing it so long it becomes routine like brushing my teeth in the morning. Just like Dwayne Johnson says, starting my day off right with an early morning workout puts me in the right frame of mind and makes me feel good. I am ready to face the days challenges when I walk out of the gym in the morning feeling accomplished.

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Any suggestions to those that have good intentions but can’t seem to stay motivated?

Make it fun, if it’s not fun you will never stick with it. I enjoy my training on a daily basis. People want the over night changes but in reality I am here to tell you that will not happen. Consistency and patience is the key to achieving your fitness goals. Make a life change to be more fit and healthy and your body and mind will thank you for it.

Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite sport to watch? Favorite team? What is your favorite sport to play?

Of course I am a huge sports fan living in Boston, Massachusetts which is one of the biggest sports cities in the United States. I enjoy watching football the most with the New England Patriots being my favorite team. My favorite sport to play is any sport that my children are engaged in at the moment.

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Biggest adversity faced in life so far. How did you handle it?

The strruggle to keep going despite being knocked down so many times. It tests your will and mental toughness. The voice in my head says, “how bad do you want this?” My answer always remains the same, “get rich or die tryin.” I will never quit, I will never give up until I reach the promised land.

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I know you’re a family man with beautiful children to tend to. How do you organize your life so that work and social elements don’t interfere with being a father?

It is very hard and at times it hurts me because there are things that I have had to give up and sacrifice on this journey. I think of all the cookouts, birthdays, special events and fun things that I have been absent from all these years. I know in the end it will all come full circle with success and I will be 100% close with them when all my goals are conquered.

What do you find most attractive in a woman?

Self confidence. Insecurity is such a turn off. I’m not gonna lie, I am a huge fan of tattoos and body jewelry also. Hey, you asked Jessica 🙂

That I did!

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Favorite movie of all time?

Wedding Crashers

I love that movie too! It’s hysterical!

What do you wear to bed?

Depends, sometimes a lot and sometimes nothing at all. 😉

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What one word best describes you?


What one place in the world would you like to visit that you haven’t been?

Puerto Rico

Favorite moment of 2014?

Being selected by Peter Karalekas as a character for a life changing mega project.

Congratulations, John! When do we get to hear about it?

What can we expect from John Quinlan in 2015?

Something very special, see you on Entertainment Tonight!

If you want to find John, he’s on Facebook and Twitter @JohnJQuinlan. John will be attending the RT Booklovers Convention in Dallas in May. If you are in the area, make sure you stop by and visit him!

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